St. Peter's Slinfold Regular Services

Regular Services

Check latest information on our public Facebook page at 'St Peter's Church Slinfold'

Everybody is always welcome to attend any of our services, although you may find some more congenial to your circumstances. Please come along and find out.

Sunday Services

First Sundays
9.30am Holy Communion (Common Worship) and Sunday's Cool* (term-time only)

Second Sundays
9.30am Holy Communion (Common Worship) and Sunday's Cool* (term-time only)

Third Sundays
9.30am Sundays Cool* (term-time only)
10am Family Service

Fourth Sundays
9.30am Holy Communion (Common Worship) and Sunday's Cool* (term-time only)

Fifth Sundays
9.30am Holy Communion (Common Worship) and Sunday's Cool* (term-time only)

* Sunday's Cool
Every Sunday in term time. Upstairs in the Village Hall; drop children in between 9.15 and 9.25am. You can then join us in St Peter's for Communion, or stay with the children or go home and return about 10.30am, when you will find the children have joined the congregation for a blessing. There are usually refreshments after the service, please join us. During school holidays there is no Sunday's Cool and the 9.30am Service will be a Family Communion, to which all ages are welcomed.

Please Note The pattern of services changes in August. Check our What's happening this month

Weekday Services

First Tuesdays (except January and August)
3.10pm Messy Church
In Slinfold Village Hall - Fun and friendship, craft and celebration, and a meal. Whole family welcome.
Second Thursdays
7pm Prayer Group: currently meeting at 'The Old Dairy', Nibletts Yard

10am Mid-week Holy Communion
We hope to be able to continue this during the vacancy, aiming for a BCP service on the 2nd Thursday in each month and a Common Worship service on the 4th Thursday. Check with our What's Happening this Month or confirm the dates from our Facebook page 'St Peter's Church Slinfold'

Once or twice a month, dates flexible, confirm the dates from our Facebook page 'St Peter's Church Slinfold'
10.30am - 12am 'New Venture Bible Study Group' at Slinfold Chapel
Bible study, worship, prayer and fellowship. currently being led by Martin Hennock from St. Nicolas' church.

Other Regular Activities

Tuesday afternoon
Slinfold Handbell Ringers meet in the church to practise. Contact Prue Duncan.

2nd Wednesdays
10.30am-12noon Slinfold Companions, in the Village Hall. Social morning get-together. Coffee, chat, cake, craft or guest speaker. Details from Janet.

Wednesday evenings
Bell Ringing Practice. Experienced and novice ringers are welcome to come along and see us. Contact Tower Captain Mandy Higgs.
For more on the bells and ringers see Music at St. Peter's.

First Saturday of each month
Churchyard Working Party. On the first Saturday of each month there is a working party in the churchyard, which is why our churchyard always looks so good. However, there is always more to do, so if anyone else wants to come along & help for a bit between 9.30am and 12.30, you will be very welcome.
We are always grateful to those who keep their own family graves in good order.

To see what is currently happening go to What's happening this month.

or go to our Facebook page 'St Peter's Church Slinfold'

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