St. Peter's Church Slinfold

Music at St. Peter's

The Choir

The small, but enthusiastic, choir sing for most regular services and, as required, for weddings and funerals. If you too love to sing, please talk to us after any service about joining

The Organ

We are fortunate in having a superb organ, produced by famous organ-maker John Fincham in 1868 and awarded a 'Grade One Historic Organ Certificate' by the British Institute of Organ Studies. Our organist, John Wickenden, has written out its history which you can find here.

The Bells and Bell-Ringers

St Peter"s has a ring of six bells with the heaviest weighing 12½cwt. Details of Bells.
NOTE Between 2014 & 2019 the bell-ringers rang a centenary quarter-peal for each name on the War Memorial.

Come and see

We ring from 9am for the 9.30am service on Sunday mornings (9.30am for 10am service on 3rd Sundays) and as needed for weddings
Our practice is on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm - 9pm.
We are always looking for new recruits. If you are aged between 12 and 80 years old and looking for a new hobby, please come along on a practice night and see what ringing is all about or contact Tower Captain Mandy Higgs to arrange a visit.
The initial teaching takes several weeks and then learners can begin to ring with the rest of the band.
Learning a few simple methods allows ringers to ring in others towers, where you will always get a warm welcome anywhere in the UK, and wherever they have bells around the world.

Why learn to ring?

Join a tradition dating back 400 years. The origins of change ringing lie in the sixteenth century when church bells began to be hung with a full wheel. This gave the ringers control of their bells and also allowed bells to be rung together continuously. Come and help us keep the Slinfold bells ringing.
Meet new friends - we enjoy several social activities throughout the year, annual dinner at Christmas, outings to other towers and a summer BBQ.
Learn a new skill; it will stimulate your brain and help you keep fit.
Ringing is a team activity - it's fun being part of a team.
Our current team -

Here's one of our recent newcomers

For the "Legend of the Slinfold Bell" click here.

Other Music

Rev. Sandra was an accomplished flautist and a few of the young people are aspiring musicians. If you play too and would like to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord" (Psalm 100) with us, please talk to a choir member or the organist after a Sunday service.

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