St. Peter's Charity Support

St. Peter's

St. Peter's church is, of course, a charity in itself and if you wish to donate to our expenses please either talk to our Treasurer Paula (click to email her) or you can scan this QR code
which links with our credit card system. You can then pay using applepay or googlepay or Sumup pay.

Christian Aid

Members of St Peter's congregation make up the Slinfold Christian Aid committee, who regularly undertake the House-to-house collection during Christian Aid Week; they also host an annual Coffee Morning and occasional Bacon Bap Brekkies. If you have any bright ideas and would like to join the committee contact Janet

Royal British Legion

The church collection on Remembrance Sunday is always dedicated to the Royal British Legion. The service is strongly supported, with members of the Legion and the entire Scout troop (around 100 youth and adults) the church is usually full to capacity. Contact for RBL is Mr B. Joels

Harvest Festival

At harvest we collect dried and tinned goods for Horsham Food Bank and pass them on to the local Horsham Matters Food Bank for distribution. The cash collection is donated to a food-related charity, which may be local, national or international (decided by the Rector and the PCC each year)

Christmas Services collections

Collections at the Carol Service and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Communions are usually split between two or more charities, usually one local and one international, for example in the past we have supported Horsham Night Shelter and Médecins sans Frontières

Macmillan Biggest Coffee Morning in the world

Once a year, usually towards the end of September, we aim to hold a full Coffee Morning to support Macmillan Nurses

Samaritan's Purse

We usually have boxes available, at the back of church, from the beginning of November for you to fill for 'Operation Christmas Child' and we accept the boxes during the first fortnight of November for their deadline.

Horsham Food Bank

At the back of the church you will find a wooden box, in which we invite you to deposit tinned or packaged groceries, which will be forwarded regularly to the local food bank.

Disaster Relief

In the event of a sudden disaster, we will usually hold a special collection to support emergency work

If you believe that we should be supporting a particular charity please bring it to the attention of the PCC and it will be discussed

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