Other Information

Electoral Roll

If you regularly attend St Peter's Church and would like to have your name added to the Church Electoral Roll contact Hilary Sherwin-Smith or download the form here to apply to be added.

Martha's Guild

Named for the sister of Lazarus, who worried about the housework, these are the people who undertake to clean the church regularly and to keep the array of brasses polished. Once a year, usually in June, we invite everyone in the congregation to join us in a thorough spring-clean. If you'd be willing to help, we currently need a co-ordinator for the cleaning rota since the recent retirement of the previous person, please talk to a churchwarden

The Kneelers

The splendid variety of our tapestry kneelers is a consequence of the decision in the late 1970s, of Mrs. Joy Channing-Pearce, wife of the then Rector, to gather a group of embroiderers to replace the badly worn hassocks. Many people took part and chose their own images, resulting the present eclectic mix of around 170 kneelers, ranging from religious themes, through local views, to abstract patterns and Paddington Bear. Here. are some of my favourites

The Legend of the Slinfold Bell

An old legend says that a new bell for Slinfold church was being transported from the foundry in London. When it reached Alfoldean (near Roman Gate, about a mile north of Slinfold) it rolled off the cart into a bog, from which they could not recover it. A local witch offered to rescue it. She attached her team of twelve white oxen to it at midnight and said that people must be silent until it was safe. As the bell came into sight someone yelled "We've got the Alfoldean gurt bell, in spite of all the devils in hell". Immediately the bell disappeared back into the bog, never to be seen again.
Back in the 1970s a local dowser claimed to have located the position of the bell, but sadly a metal detector was unable to verify this.

Collection for the local Food Bank

At the back of the church you will find a wooden box, in which we invite you to deposit tinned or packaged groceries, which will be forwarded weekly to the local food bank.


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